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Sunday, July 18, 2010

Steps to derive a problem from a mess

The steps to derive a problem from a mess involve these problem-solving techniques. Figuring out weather a problem is an ill or well-structured problem, and then thinking on the levels of divergent or convergent.
Ill-structured problems involve formulation of hypotheses, making assumptions, and building models. In a typical ill-structured problem, to varying degrees, the objectives, assumptions, data, and structure of the problem are all unclear (Baker, 2009).
Here are some examples of ill-defined problems:
 How much should a mid career executive save out of current income towards retirement?
 Should the Red Cross institute a policy of paying for blood donation?
Well-structured problems have these characteristics:
 The Objectives of the analysis are clear.
 The assumptions that must be made are obvious.
 All the necessary data are made obvious.
 The logical structure behind the analysis is well understood
Divergent and convergent thinking are part of the problem solving process. Divergent thinking stresses generating ideas over evaluating ideas and Convergent thinking is directed toward achieving a goal, a single solution, answer or result (Baker, 2009).

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