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Sunday, July 18, 2010

The six-stage problem solving process

The six stages in the problem-solving process are:

 Stage 1: Exploring the mess – What problems or opportunities do we face, where is there a gap between the current situation and the desired one? What are our stated and unstated goals? These task must be determined before moving on to stage 2

 Stage 2: Searching for information – What are the symptoms and causes? What measures of effectiveness seem appropriate? What actions are available? These task must be determined before moving on to stage 3

 Stage 3: Identifying a problem – Which is the most important problem in the situation? Is this problem like others we have dealt with? What are the consequences of a broad versus narrow problem statement? These task must be determined before moving on to stage 4

 Stage 4: Searching for solutions – What decisions are open to us? What solutions have been tried in similar situations? How long are the various candidate solutions linked to outcomes of interest? These task must be determined before moving on to stage 5

 Stage 5: Evaluating solutions – How does this solution impact each of the criteria? What factor within our control could improve the outcome? What factors outside our control could alter the outcome? These task must be determined before moving on to stage 6

 Stage 6: Implementing a solution – What are the barriers to successful implementation? Where will there be support and motivation, or resistance and conflict? Are the resources available for successful implementation? (Baker, 2009)

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